
SCIL will work with anyone regardless of disability, race, gender, life-style or religious persuasion.

All services are provided at no cost to SCIL consumers.

  • Advocacy

    Individual advocacy– Helping you become self-empowered is the goal of SCIL’s advocacy services.

    Systems Change advocacy– Representation and speaking on behalf of persons with disabilities regarding accessibility in government policies, transportation, housing, employment and many other areas.

  • Assistive Technology (AT) Coordination

    Information and coordination for resources and funding options available for assistive devices (adaptive tools for independent living) that will maintain or increase your ability to live a more independent lifestyle.

  • Benefits Planning

    SCIL is available to assist you in applying for benefits, including Social Security.

  • Cross-Disability Peer Counseling

    We support each other to succeed and thrive in life. We are a team of Individuals with disabilities who are living independently and are integrated into our community with a desire to help others do the same.

  •  Housing Information and Resources

    SCIL will equip you with the necessary resources and options available based upon your need for accessible, affordable and transitional housing.

  •  Independent Living Skills

    Training includes assistance with developing personal care, financial management, household management, academic success, social skills and participation in community sponsored activities.

  •  Information and Referral (I&R)

    We are THE resource center for Individuals with Disabilities! We connect you to a number of resources within our community and work with you to find appropriate solutions to improve your circumstances.

  •  Personal Care Assistance Referrals

    SCIL will work with you to find Personal Care Assistants that will provide you in-home care.

  •  Transition Services

    As an Independent Living Center we are newly mandated by the federal government to provide services that:

    ¨ Help you transfer from Skilled Nursing Facilities back into the community.

    ¨ Keep you in your home with diversion assistance

    ¨ Youth Transition past high school and college

    A transitioning specialist will assist you in determining your eligibility, finding financial assistance and help you create a plan for independence.

    Services that are available to help you transition and live in the community include:

    ¨ Devices or equipment used to increase your ability to function independently in the community, such as, wheelchair ramps, bed lifts and shower grab bars.

    ¨ Assistance in receiving benefits

    SCIL Brochure 1


    SCIL Brochure 2 


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